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Hello, friends -

Thank you for finding yourself here!

My name is Meggie and I hail from the mountains of the deep Bulgarian south, where snow is always aplenty and the sun never rests. I grew up skiing and watching Cartoon Network in a very small town.

When I was seventeen I decided to move to England and adventure the land as an international student. I got a BSc in Film and Television production, which focused on writing for the big screen and cinematography, then hopped right into an MA in International Publishing, where I specialised in digitisation and social media analytics.

In present day, I am building a career in the publishing industry as an illustration and book agent with the Bright Agency. I’m a little homebody with an affinity for plants, dogs and a blond, Lego-loving pastry chef called Jack.

I’m open to every sort of work imaginable. I enjoy creating characters and cool landscapes, I’m always dreaming up the next pose with noodle-y arms and dotty eyes. Get in touch with my agent Alex over at the Bright Agency for more information on how we can work together.

I look forward to it.

Best wishes,
